We’re been trying to do our research on ways organizations can continue to push through in these strange times, and we wanted to share a list of articles that were helpful for us. We hope they help you and if you ever need to chat, just let us know. We’re here for you.

SBA offers $2M in loans to help businesses, nonprofits cover COVID-19 losses

The SBA’s Economic Injury Disaster Loan program provides small businesses and non-profits with working capital loans of up to $2 million that can provide vital economic support to small businesses to help overcome the temporary loss of revenue they are experiencing. Check that out…

Facebook announces $100 million program for small businesses impacted by coronavirus

CNBC – Facebook said the grants will be available for up to 30,000 eligible small businesses in over 30 countries. That would be an average of $3,333 per business. Read more…

From In-Person to Virtual: How to Maximize Your Fundraising Event Revenue

CLASSY.ORG – When you add a virtual component to your fundraising event, you free yourself from any geographic limitations and are able to maximize your reach, attendee participation, and revenue. Participants all around the country and world can engage with your event from their own home. Read more…

How to work from home, the right way

BBC – Companies around the globe have rolled out mandatory remote work. Whether you’re a newbie or WFH veteran, here’s what you need to do to stay productive. Read more…

Experts Urge Charities to Communicate Their Needs Clearly to Their Donors

The Chronicle of Philanthropy – That uncertainty is why nonprofits should step up right now and start talking to their donors, whether it’s wealthy individuals who give directly or those who give through their foundations, say philanthropy experts. Read more… 

On COVID-19, the Recession, and Nonprofits: A Special Series

NONPROFIT QUARTERLY – We will keep you abreast of all of that in our online publishing, but for now we have one major message that we want to try to amplify with a series of research-based articles that will start tomorrow—and that is: Don’t think small or defensive. Think new world. Read more… 

List of resources and webinars 

BLOOMERANG.CO – Lots of great slides like How to Manage Your Capital Campaign in Uncertain Times and an upcoming webinar on How To Message During This Crisis. Check it out